How can i install EarnApp and link it to my account?

Ricardo Seixas
Ricardo Seixas
  • Updated

To see your devices in the dashboard and earn money you need to link them to your account by signing in through the app.

Windows version first installation:

- Download/Install EarnApp at

- Click on “Link device to your account

- The browser will open, and the device will be automatically linked to your EarnApp dashboard with the Google account you signed in with.

- You will see a notification on the top right corner “Device successfully linked”

WARNING: Accumulated earnings on unlinked devices will be permanently lost, please make sure you link your device to your account upon installation.


Android first installation:

- Download/Install EarnApp for Android at

- launch EarnApp, read and accept the terms of use by clicking "Start using the app"

- Please make sure you are connected to a Wifi connection, Mobile data is not supported.

- Click on “Link device to my account

- Browser will open, sign in using your Gmail account

- Device will be linked automatically

- A notification will appear on the top right corner of your screen “Device successfully linked

- Enjoy your Earnings!!

Note: To generate earnings, the EarnApp screen with the "ON" button must remain visible on your cellphone screen at all times. Placing EarnApp in the background or checking your account dashboard will make it go offline, halting your earnings. For additional details, please consult this link.

iOS first installation:

- Please refer to this FAQ article for all relevant information 


Linux / Raspberry Pi first installation:

- Open a terminal window and enter the following command:
wget -qO- > /tmp/ && sudo bash /tmp/

- Accept EarnApp’s terms of use and enter your account details. You should see the following on your terminal window
After the download ends, EarnApp will install:
- Once the installation is complete, open your browser and paste the provided URL to link the device to your EarnApp account. 


- You will see a notification on the top right corner “Device successfully linked”

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